Boundary map for listings on Enjoy Malahide
As a voluntary community run local website for Malahide our remit is the promotion of businesses, organisations, initiatives, news and people within Malahide (and Kinsealy) in Co Dublin, Ireland. If you, your business or organisation is located within the boundary map outlined below we are more than happy to do what we can to promote and encourage participation and support. It is never nice to say 'no', but we hope you understand that if you are located outside of the area marked below we are unable to cater for you on the site, or on our Facebook/Twitter pages.
The boundries are:
- West: From the M1 motorway at Waterside (excluding Drinan)
- North: Malahide Rugby Club along the Broadmeadow Estuary to the mouth of the Estuary
- West: Robswall Park to Malahide Golf Club on the Blackwood Lane
- South: Kinsealy Chuch (St Nicholas of Myra) along Chapel Road to Old Portmarnock Raceway
Boundary Map

Enjoy Malahide - Listing Boundary Map

Enjoy Malahide - Listing Boundary Map