Toots Malahide Road Train
Malahide VillageEircode Not Provided
Co-ordinates (View in Google Maps)
53° 27’ 2.5878”, -6° 9’ 13.2876”
53.450719, -6.153691
Opening Hours
Toots Malahide Road Train
Tourism Road train linking Malahide Castle, Village & Beach
Toot's Malahide Road Train aims to provide a service that is affordable, safe and most importantly enjoyable. Accompanied by live commentary. The service commences from Malahide Dart station and continues through the village allowing for scenic views of the Marina making a pick up/hop-off stop at the beach car park and lastly terminating at the Castle grounds.
The tour lasts 25 minutes and the service will start from the dart station every half hour. The service will be open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 4 pm and Saturday & Sunday 9am till 6pm.
Adult Fare: €6
Child: €4
Family Ticket (2 adults & 2 Children): €15
Concession (OAP & Student U23): €5
*Please note: Each ticket allows for hop on-hop off facility of total two stops. Tickets are available to purchase at Mace in Malahide Village or on board at time of journey.