Supporting local business in Malahide
c/o The Grand Hotel, Malahide, Co Dublin
Community, Residential Issues & Support
Biscayne, Malahide, Co.Dublin, Ireland
Tidy Towns Volunteer Group
4 Castle Terrace, Malahide
Respite care for people with disabilities
15 Ard na Mara, Malahide
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Serving Malahide and Portmarnock
8pm on 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the Grand Hotel.
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Voluntary Organisation Providing Meals
Parish Hall, Old Street, Malahide, Co.Dublin
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Peer support for Children & adolescents
Malahide N.S, Grove Rd, Malahide
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Serving the senior citizens of Malahide
Parish Hall, Old Street, Malahide, Co.Dublin
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